If you are the bearer of a paradigm-shifting vision that requires you to boldly and wildly reclaim the force of your true expression…
i’m your gal!
Every soul business stems from a journey of self-discovery.
I sat at the table in a noisy restaurant as my husband ordered my food and answered the questions his friends posed about me. It was like a dream when you watch your body live out an experience your soul is not part of.
As a native English speaker in a French environment, I had lost my ability to form meaningful social connections. To strike a chord beyond the shallow depths of superficiality. As I smiled, nodded, and swallowed down my contribution to the conversation, I realized how much of my power, and my spirit, was rooted in my ability to communicate. And I had been here before.
So many times I had kept quiet when I knew I was right or sensed I deserved more. I’d sat back and let others speak for me believing my inner wisdom no match for their tried-and-trusted template.
The universe beat me with this stick until one day I would take the baton and run with it. To chase my calling.
My wild woman entrepreneur, you desire to speak for yourself. And you deserve meaningful connection.
There is no longer a need to hand your voice over to the sea witch in return for freedom and deliverance.
Promoting your soul business no longer needs to feel like the Hunger Games: struggling, chasing, masking, and manipulating.
In fact, there’s no room for people pleasing or concessions of any kind.
This is you. Safe, secure, and sovereign in the potency of your fullest expression.
Your voice has always been your power.
And you choose how to use this wise and wondrous weapon.
Now is the time to beat your own drum.
To embrace the abundance that flows when your words and actions are fueled with intention and underscored by integrity.
Out of the box, we thrive together.
The intersection between self-expression and human connection is my biggest fascination and, I believe, one of our greatest collective challenges.
I am most inspired by those who speak their truth without abandon.
The storytellers, the abstract artists, the aging aunties.
Those who understand that words mean everything and nothing at the same time.
Those who can outline and colour a whole universe in one breath and crumple it up in the next.
I see creativity as a vital life force: boundless and regenerative. There is always a truer, clearer, bolder creation around the corner.
It simply must be expressed, even if it is only to make way for the next iteration. And it must move, even if the only person benefiting is you.
As a child, I was deep. Complex. Curious.
I read between the lines, saw beyond the surface, and ran rings around the rules. My heightened awareness and sensitivity often left me confused, perpetually seeking.
My intuitive gifts scared the living daylights out of me. So I buried them and asked to see and hear no more.
Meanwhile, I would lap up words like nourishing nectar. My grandmother recited poems from memory as I rested, chin in cupped hands, over the sofa. My grandfather fanned a dictionary to dictate spelling and grammar tests. (I have to admit, I prized both equally!)
Naturally, I studied for an MA in English Literature and was led to storytelling, myth, and magic.
The stories that lie in the liminal space where possibility meets practicality. If you’ve found your way here, I’m guessing you embrace the magic in the mundane, the profound in the practical, too.
To this day, my bookshelf attests to my fascination for fairy and folk tales that expose the collective trials and tribulations of our human ancestors as well as their unbridled belief in our infinite potential. And yes, I have taken some bold steps out of the spiritual closet.
I am a channel, reiki master practitioner, and lightwalker. And I see this potential in others waiting to be reclaimed.
By the by, have you read any real fairy tales? The ones with fear rather than marriage at their heart?
They will teach you more about heart-led marketing than any course out there.
Because the future of marketing is authentic self-expression, inspired by the soul, shaped by the heart, and informed by the mind.
The way to both profoundly touch and actively move people is to reconnect with your true voice, the one that exists outside of the construct of “marketing.” Embody its essence, let it permeate your cells and override the need to say the “right” thing, the “good” thing, the “sensical” thing. Then, get to work bringing its expression forward as clearly and wholly as humanly possible.
Engaging with the world in this primordial way is not easy.
But it can be simple, playful, and meaningful.
I crave a world where I am fully, wholly, openly expressed in a way that also honours and empowers my people to step into their truth too.
Do you?
Ursula Hurn - Photographer & Online Course Creator
“Challenging, enlightening, liberating.
Lauren made me realise that people are interested in what I have to say — I’d always assumed they wouldn't be.”