

Dear soul sisters…

Afterlight is the light that remains when the darkness sets in.

The safe place to land in understanding as we are called to more boldly and courageously step into our unique essence, potent power, and new earth path.

Afterlight is also the light of retrospect.

The opportunity to continue to dig into and integrate the themes, sticky stories, energies, strengths, and talents that began to surface in the circus and help each other to move these into the world.

The Afterlight coven and council are here to help co-create this presence and resonance.

These are the two things the soul of the circus feels are the most important focuses at this point.

It’s time to truly show up for ourselves and others in our wholeness and majesty.

Afterlight: the light visible in the sky after sunset (also: retrospect)

  • Hold council.

    It's crucial for light leaders, especially those who hold space for others, to be held ourselves. The circle of women in Afterlight will act like an ancient and aligned council of advisors, there regularly to witness, support, and/or provide advice and guidance. 

  • Integrate energies.

    The energies encountered in the circus need time and action to integrate. Following our circus initiations, we are invited into a second spiral of engagement with them in which we truly embody our magic and essence through the act of expression.

  • Co-create projects.

    Our work is vast, and it can be complex to communicate in posts, blogs, podcasts, presentations, web pages etc. Afterlight is a space to loosen the grip of confusion or delay and get it done - with your creative and intuitive circus sisters for support.

Monthly council meets

A meeting once a month to talk through where you're at: a decision you're toying with; a situation, feeling, or action you need confirmation or camaraderie for; or an energy, narrative, or thought pattern you simply need to offload etc.

This invaluable holding by other light leaders and paradigm shifters who understand and see you in your highest expression is such a pillar for self-growth.

Energetic embodiment

As you continue the quest to embody your medicine, you are invited to revisit and engage with the circus materials. The quests and content prompts hold gold to guide you in more clearly expressing whom you're here for, how you work, and what is at the core of it all.

Choose to implement one thing from one tent each month - a quest, journaling activity, post from the prompts etc. to maintain the integration of the energies needed to bring your expression in line with your essence.

Monthly co-creation calls

A co-working (I prefer co-conspiring!) session to bring along what you are currently working on. Collate information and clarify your direction with help from the group before getting down to some action.

Whether you do your accounting, edit your sales page, complete your podcast application, take a step to say the risky thing...whatever…the coven will help you birth it into being with integrity.


Biweekly zoom calls: One council meeting and one co-creation (Wednesdays at 4pm EST)

Zenler course hub: Replays and resources will be stored in Zenler. I'll add any light language transmissions or messages from the circus guides that come through here, too.

Instagram community: Space to set your intentions, celebrate your progress, share resources, and generally support each other.

Monthly payments: $150 CAD

For questions or suggestions, please reach out.

Lauren ♡

Read the channelled Afterlight Manifesto here